
Village of Scarecrows

November 11th, 2015 by Captains Manor Inn

The Village of Scarecrows was once again a wonderful Fall celebration in Falmouth Village. Over 20 different and creative scarecrows were set up to adorn the lightposts throughout the village. Children and adults of all ages have been strolling along Main Street over the past couple of weeks to enjoy, snap pictures of and vote […]


Falmouth Village Scarecrows

October 24th, 2014 by Captains Manor Inn

Falmouth Village Scarecrows make their appearance again this Fall and Halloween season on iconic Main Street. Over 20 different creative oversize scarecrows are located on the lamposts in front of restaurants, retail shops, the local fire station and several bed and breakfasts in Falmouth Village. The scarecrows went up on October 15th and will remain […]