Cape Cod Renovations
Cape Cod Renovations of some nature always seem to be on our agenda at The Captain’s Manor Inn. During this off season we tackled the plan of creating a two story suite. For a couple of years we had wanted to find a way to incorporate the wonderful cupola on the top of the Inn as part of the Forbes guestroom. We could not be happier with the results. The project included moving a wall to include the original 1800’s staircase into the room so guests could head up to their private reading/tv room getaway. We were also able to enlarge the bedroom and upgrade from a Queen to a King bed. During the renovation process we even uncovered a piece of the original wallpaper. Our firsts guests said they feel like they are up in the trees and love the 360 degree views. A two story suite in Cape Cod is a rarity and we have been excited to create this special romantic getaway.
We also decided to do some further renovation to the Tuscany guestroom. Just two years ago we enlarged the bathroom and made some other changes. We had not yet repainted the room in its entirety as there were a number of Tromp L’oeil murals in the room by a well known Romanian artist. After much deliberation we decided it was time to completely renovate the room. So we have repainted the room, added new chairs, taken out a corner sink in the room and added a desk. Last but not least we changed the bed from a iron King bed to a four poster King Cherry wood bed. We hope you enjoy the pictures of both projects below:
Cape Cod Renovations creating our Forbes Cupola Suite:
- New Wall Ceiling Frame
- Forbes original Door
- New Wall w Door
- Forbes Original Wall
Cape Cod Renovations of the Tuscany Guestroom:
- Corner sink in the guestroom
- Iron King bed
- New expanded bathroom in 2015
- Original hand painted Kohler sink in guestroom